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Music Piracy Law

Music Piracy Law

Q A law passed by a state legislature states that: “Anyone caught in possession of a Michael Bolton CD is subject to a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and/or up to 10 days in jail.” Classify this type of law using all possible Chapter 1 classifications.

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The law referred here is a music piracy law. Piracy is considered illegal as it involves copying, reproducing or stealing a content which is already owned by an existing owner and thereby protected through copyrights, patents etc. by the owner himself ("Definition of 'Piracy' - The Economic Times", 2017). Such a law falls under the category of ‘copyright law’. Depending upon the seriousness of the case, breaking a copyright law can lead to felony or misdemeanor. According to this announcement by state legislature, illegally owning Michael Bolton CD will lead to a Class ‘A’ misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are considered less serious offence if compared with felony, but not as light as infractions.